SBOL 2.0 Specification Released

The SBOL editors are pleased to announce the official release of the next major version of the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL). The SBOL 2.0 specification is available online at: Major new capabilities of SBOL version 2.0 over the prior 1.x include: - Beyond DNA, designs can include RNA, proteins, and other components - Designs can associate function with structure and link to external models - Rich annotation of biological designs, for integration with non-SBOL design information

This specification is complemented by the 2.0 beta release of libSBOLj (available at:, a library implementing the SBOL 2.0 specification in order to allow simple integration of the new SBOL capabilities into software tools.

Thanks, -Jake Beal (SBOL Editor, on behalf of the SBOL community)