UK Commons Select Committee calls for 'GM and gene editing' evidence check


The UK Commons Science and Technology Select Committee invites views on the strength of the evidence in relation to GM and gene editing.

 Please read the Government statement before submitting a comment.

Opens in a new window
  • GM and Gene Editing: Government statement ( PDF 90 KB)

Comments will be pre-moderated.

Science and Technology 'evidence check' web forum homepage

The Science and Technology Committee invites views on the Government-provided evidence-check papers posted on this forum, in particular on the strength of the evidence and how well the Government's approach reflects the evidence.

Taking forward the work of the Institute for Government, this exercise will help shape future Committee work, including identifying areas for scrutiny hearings or for launching inquiries. We would like submitters to address the following broad questions:

  • Diagnosis: Does the Government show that it knows about the issue, its causes, effects, and scale?
  • Actions/plans: Has the Government shown that any policy intervention is evidence-based, that it has assessed the strengths/weaknesses of the evidence base, and identified other policy options?
  • Implementation:  Has the Government shown that the implementation method for the policy has been based on evidence on what works?
  • Value for money: Are the costs and benefits understood and evidence-based?
  • Testing and evaluation: Are plans for testing and evaluation adequate?

8th International Workshop on Bio-Design Automation (IWBDA), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, August 16-18, 2016

The Eighth International Workshop on Bio-Design Automation (IWBDA) at Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK will bring together researchers from the synthetic biology, systems biology, and design automation communities to discuss concepts, methodologies and software tools for the computational analysis and synthesis of biological systems.


IWBDA offers a forum for cross-disciplinary discussion, with the aim of seeding and fostering collaboration between the biological and the design automation research communities. This year’s IWBDA will be hosted by the Interdisciplinary Computing and Complex BioSystems (ICOS) research group, Newcastle University.

OpenPlant is assembling a delegation to attend this highly relevant meeting - if you would like to attend with others from the centre, please contact Jenny Molloy on

Find out more at the event website >>

[Download flyer]

Topics of interest include

  • Design methodologies for synthetic biology.
  • Standardization of biological components.
  • Automated assembly techniques.
  • Computer-aided modeling and abstraction techniques.
  • Engineering methods inspired by biology.
  • Domain specific languages for synthetic biology.
  • Data exchange standards and models for synthetic biology.

This year’s IWBDA will host the BDAthlon programming contest, where teams are given a set of programming challenges and then work to solve these challenges. In addition, there will be a satellite workshop on the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL).

Key Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2016
  • Scholarship application due: April 30, 2016
  • Abstract and scholarship notification: May 13, 2016
  • BDAthlon team application due: May 20, 2016
  • SBOL workshop: August 15, 2016
  • BDAthlon Competition: August 16, 2016
  • Main IWBDA workshop: August 17-18, 2016

Registration will be open soon.

Abstract submission

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations should be two pages long, following ACM SIG Proceedings format. Detailed instructions can be found at:

ACS Synthetic Biology IWBDA 2016 Special Issue

All attendees will also be invited to submit to ACS Synthetic Biology “IWBDA 2016” Special Issue. ACS Synthetic Biology has the highest editorial standards, offers rapid publication of your research findings and imposes NO author submission, page, color, or cover art charges. We are looking for high quality submissions, for peer-review, as either short Letters or full-length Articles. The submission deadline will be announced soon.

Organizing Committee

Please feel free to contact the organizers with questions at:

  • Co-General Chair - Anil Wipat, Newcastle University
  • Co-General Chair - Pietro Lio', University of Cambridge
  • Finance Chair - Traci Haddock, iGem Foundation
  • Co-Local Chair - Goksel Misirli, Newcastle University
  • Co-Local Chair - Harold Fellermann, Newcastle University
  • Publication Chair - Avi Robinson-Mosher, Harvard University
  • Programme Committee Chair - Chris French, The University of Edinburgh

IWBDA is organized by the non-profit Bio-Design Automation Consortium (BDAC).


EUSynBioS Symposium 2016: Engineering Biology for a Better Future


This weekend, the first EUSynBioS Symposium, themed Engineering Biology for a Better Future, will follow SynBioBeta at Imperial College London.

The Symposium kicks off with a Visionary keynote address from none other than synthetic biology pioneer Tom Knight (Ginkgo Bioworks). A former professor at MIT and one of the very first synthetic biology entrepreneurs, Tom will give an insight into the early days of synthetic biology and talk about what the future holds. Then, a session of scientific presentations exclusively by early career synbio researchers; providing graduate students and early career post-docs a platform to present their research to peers and senior scientists.

Post-lunch, the symposium will break into smaller breakout sessions on various topics from biodiversity to design and public engagement. Led by excellent fellow members, these sessions are a great opportunity to hear other people's views on important issues in synbio today. Two inspiring speakers - Luke Alphey (Oxitec) and Emily LeProust (Twist BioSciences) - will then talk about their career paths to setting up world changing synbio companies. A must for all budding synbio entrepreneurs! Michele Garfinkel (former Policy Analyst at the J.Craig Venter Institute, and currently at EMBO) will talk next, on the world of policy making and how we can make a difference in how synbio is legislated in the future.

Finally, the symposium will close with an Open Discussion on a topic chosen by you: Gene Drives! Gene Drives have gotten a lot of press in the last few months and we have none other than the scientist who coined the term, Austin Burt (Imperial College London), joined by Michele Garfinkel and Luke Alphey, giving an introduction to what this fascinating technology holds for the future. This session is a forum to express views and get answers from experts about gene drives: How do they work? Will they change the world for the better? Is it ethical to do so? ...and many more questions, we’re sure!

[spacer height="20px"] EUSynBioS Symposium 2016: Engineering Biology for a Better Future

Sat, Apr 9, 2016 - 8:00amSun, Apr 10, 2016 - 7:00pm

Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London, SW7 2AZ

Get help to improve your research software - deadline April 29th

If you write code as part of your research, then you can get help to improve it - free of charge - through the Software Sustainability Institute's Open Call for Projects. The call closes on April 29 2016.

Apply here!

You can ask for our help to improve your research software, your development practices, or your community of users and contributors (or all three!). You may want to improve the sustainability or reproducibility of your software, and need an assessment to see what to do next. Perhaps you need guidance or development effort to help improve specific aspects or make better use of infrastructure.

We accept submissions from any discipline, in relation to research software at any level of maturity, and are particularly keen to attract applications from BBSRC and ESRC funding areas.

The Software Sustainability Institute is a national facility funded by the EPSRC. Since 2010, the Institute's Research Software Group[1] has assisted over 50 projects across all the UK Research Councils. In an ongoing survey, 93% of our previous collaborators indicated they were "very satisfied" with the results of the work. To see how we've helped others, you can check out our portfolio of past and current projects[2].

A typical Open Call project runs between one and six months, during which time we work with successful applicants to create and implement a tailored work plan. You can submit an application to the Open Call at any time, which only takes a few minutes, at

We’re also interested in partnering on proposals. If you would like to know more about the Open Call, or explore options for partnership, please get in touch with us at

Cambridge Consultants: Senior Scientist – Synthetic Biology

From the Cambridge Consultants website:

We are looking for an outstanding molecular biologist to drive this work forward.  With current expert knowledge in molecular biology techniques you will form the core of the team carrying out work in our labs and delivering answers to our clients.

As Senior Scientist – Synthetic Biology you will play a key role in establishing our technical ability in this new field.

Working with the Head of Synthetic Biology, your main purpose will be to establish the Cambridge Consultants biology lab as a centre for engineering biological systems in bacteria and yeast and use this facility to perform client projects.  You will help build a capability that can design, build and test biological systems in a rapid and cost-effective way.

You will do this by:

  • Providing expert scientific knowledge in molecular biology and genetics, particularly the functions and processes within cells and the current methods and techniques used in the lab to characterise nucleic acids, proteins and metabolites
  • Designing DNA constructs to meet specific phenotypic or metabolomic requirements
  • Designing and executing experimental protocols to transform, culture and characterise cells
  • Providing oversight and management of the biology lab, particularly for biological health and safety matters and for data management within the lab.

The successful candidate will be a hands-on, experienced, senior scientist, who wants to build their technical capabilities, create an efficient lab for engineering biology and deliver excellent solutions to client problems.  You will be used to working in multidisciplinary teams alongside other scientific and technical experts.

Read more and apply >>>

[Closes 29 April 2016] PDRA in Sustainable PoLymers from Algae Sugars and Hydrocarbons (University of Cambridge)

Applications are invited for a fixed term Postdoctoral Research Associate position to join an EU FP7 Collaborative Project SPLASH (Sustainable PoLymers from Algae Sugars and Hydrocarbons). The post holder will verify the function of the putative genes from B. braunii using a synthetic biology pipeline.

For more details and to apply see the Department of Plant Sciences page >>

Applications are invited for a fixed term Postdoctoral Research Associate position to join an EU FP7 Collaborative Project SPLASH (Sustainable PoLymers from Algae Sugars and Hydrocarbons). This multidisciplinary project brings together over 20 different partners from academia and industry to investigate the possibility of making plastics from extracellular polysaccharides and hydrocarbons produced by the oleaginous green alga Botryococcus braunii. A major aspect of the work is to sequence the genome of B. braunii, and to carry out transcriptomic / proteomic / metabolomics analysis to identify putative genes encoding enzymes involved in synthesis of these polymers.

The post holder will be based in central Cambridge and work in the group of Prof Alison Smith to verify the function of the putative genes from B. braunii by expression in a heterologous host, namely Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The approach taken will involve a synthetic biology pipeline, using standard parts and workflow already developed in Prof. Smith's lab.

The successful candidate must have a PhD in an appropriate field, and research experience in molecular biology (ideally including synthetic biology approaches), and genetic engineering of microorganisms, together with a good knowledge of regulation of gene expression and metabolism. Experience with laboratory handling of microalgae or microbiology, and/or analysis of RNA seq data, is highly desirable.

  • Salary: £28,982-£37,768
  • Closing date: 29 April 2016
  • Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 1 year in the first instance.
  • Download: Further details.
  • You can apply online for this vacancy. You will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.
  • Please quote reference PD08762 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The interviews are scheduled to be held in the week beginning 2 May 2016 as the position is available for an immediate start. For more information contact Alison Smith (

The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.  The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.

OpenPlant Fellow wins 2016 Wellcome Trust Image Award

fernan-maize Fernán Federici, OpenPlant Fellow at the University of Cambridge and Director of the Synthetic Biology Lab at Pontificia Universidad Católica in Chile has been awarded a Wellcome Trust Image Award for his micrograph of maize leaves, shot in the Department of Plant Sciences in collaboration with Professor Jim Haseloff.

Fernán has enjoyed considerable success with his artistic images of bacteria and plants using microscopy, winning Wellcome Trust awards in 2011 and 2012. His image has appeared in multiple media outlets, including Nature Newsthe BBC and The Guardian.

More on the image via the Wellcome Trust >>

Looking inside a cluster of leaves from a young maize (corn) plant reveals lots of details and organised structure. Each curled leaf is made up of lots of small cells (small green square and rectangle shapes), and inside each cell is a nucleus (orange circle), the part of the cell which stores genetic information. Maize is one of the most widely grown cereal crops in the world. It is used as a staple food, in livestock feed, and as a raw material – such as for processing into high-fructose corn syrup. Genetically modified maize crops are being grown to be resistant to pests and herbicides.

Although seeming boring when viewed with the naked eye, maize leaves have such a delicate and intricate structure under the microscope, captured so wonderfully by this picture. The level of detail as demonstrated by the image reminds us how complex even relatively simple organisms are when seen on this scale.

James Cutmore, Picture Editor of BBC Focus

The image has been made freely available to use under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

OpenPlant’s showstopper; synthetic biology! – Public reaction at the Cambridge Science Festival

In March a team from the John Innes Centre brought the premise of synthetic biology to the public. As an annual event growing every year Cambridge Science Festival attracts people from across the city to learn about new developments in science and technology.

Stall activities ranged from the extraction of DNA from Strawberries (University of Cambridge) to investigating evolution first hand with primate skulls (Wellcome Genome Campus). OpenPlant’s stall featured a glimpse into synthetic biology.

A disassembled phone explained the idea that by knowing how each of the individual simple components work (a dialling pad to input your desired number, a vibrating receiver coil to change the electrical signal into a sound wave) you can build more elaborate systems.

A disassembled (and retro) telephone, showing simple components forming a complex system

A disassembled (and retro) telephone, showing simple components forming a complex system

You can then use this concept in a biological setting. Firstly you understand how genes work, then you break these into smaller components each with their individual job, for example a sequence to tell you when to switch on a biological system. Finally this can be combined in a living organism to produce a desirable trait.

At the Science Festival, the public used this idea to make weird and wonderful new lifeforms! A cat whose nose turns purple when a disease is nearby. Useful for medical diagnosis? Or how about sprouts that taste of strawberries when it snows, which many would no doubt relish at Christmas time? Or a personal favourite provided by one dad – a plant whose leaves turn gold when you water it.

A biological dream; leaves which turn gold when you water it

A biological dream; leaves which turn gold when you water it

Obviously most of our new inventions that day were unlikely, no matter how much scientists persevere with them; I think a money tree is still a few years off. But the solid basis for such work is undertaken in laboratories throughout the world, and the public were undoubtedly positive about synthetic biology. Although everybody (well apart from a young girl who wished to use squids to inflict harm on unsavoury characters) was clear that it should be only used for good and moral solutions to problems. The OpenPlant team was able to stress ethical procedures are in place for this which many found comforting as sometimes the public can find scientists secretive at best.

The Cambridge Science Festival is a vibrant, thriving and free event. Not only do people gain a glimpse of the developments in science but it’s also rewarding to the scientists giving up their time to share their knowledge and discussing their subject area. And synthetic biology is a hot topic which everyone should be talking about.

Written by Nicola Capstaff –

Cartoon is credited to Erin Zess, a PhD student at the John Innes Centre

The 2017 Cambridge Science Festival will take place on 13-26th March 2017 –

CUTEC Bio-Hackathon - apply now!

CdvYPhMWAAAneP7 With support from the University of Cambridge SynBio Fund, CUTEC is hosting the UK’s first ever bio-focused “hackathon” in the University of Cambridge. Interdisciplinary teams will take on some of the greatest challenges facing biology.

This event is about putting together diverse teams to tackle a unique biological problem. If you are a scientist (from ANY discipline), an artist, an economist or have any unique experience and set of skills we want to hear from you! You will spend four days in a University synthetic biology lab where you will have access to hardware, software and biology prototyping tools. The challenge will be revealed to our teams on Tuesday. The final day of the competition will be a pitch at our annual Technology Ventures Conference with over 300 investors, VCs, startups, academics and students. Judges from industry will decide on the most novel solutions. We also will offer the most commercial solution as much help as we can to take it to the next stage. The winning team gets a £1500 cash prize!

The event will run from Tuesday 21st June 6pm to Saturday 25th June 12am. Solutions will be judged on innovative nature and commercial viability. Teams will present their solutions on stage at CUTEC’s flagship Technology Ventures Conference (TVC) in front of investors, academics, students, and incubators.

Individuals who are interested in taking part will apply via the website (www . biohackathon . co . uk) application deadline May 30th) and teams of 3-5 will be assembled. A well-rounded group of researchers from different disciplines is strongly encouraged. Anyone in the UK can apply individually (team assembled by our committee) or as a team. Scholarships are available to those from outside the Cambridge/London area to cover accommodation and travel.

£1500 cash prize is awarded to the winning team, as well as support to commercialise your ideas through in-kind funding.

In your team you will be introduced to the challenge by an expert in the field then led through a brainstorming session. You will then have four days to refine your solution before presenting to a panel of judges from industry, government, start-ups and academia for feedback on the feasibility of your solution. Winning teams will present their solution on stage at the TVC on June 25th.

Who should apply?

Undergraduates and Post-graduates at any UK University, school, company or otherwise. All fields are encouraged we need: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Computing, Business, International Relations, Anthropology, Art, Design, Marketing, and others! Whatever you do, if you are interested in working on a diverse team to create sustainable solutions to real problems, apply!

Applicants may be individuals. If there is a partner that you would prefer to be placed on a team with, please state this in your application. We want to encourage participants to meet and work with new people but if you already have a team then you may do so but applicants may not apply in teams of more than 5 people.

Why should I apply?

Do you want to challenge yourself intellectually in a collaborative environment?

Do you want to meet new friends and potential future work/research partners?

Are you interested in entrepreneurship but don’t have an idea or a team and just don’t know where to start?

This challenge will foster a community of like-minded researchers and entrepreneurs who want to create a better world. The main focus is solving a problem together; however, if a suitable technology is developed during the project, CUTEC will provide resources for the team to turn that idea into a start-up venture. Our panel of judges providing feedback at the end of the event and who attend our Technology Venture Conference are always looking for bright, fresh talent to enhance their businesses, labs, and initiatives.

How do I apply?

Application forms will be available on our website: www . biohackathon . co . uk


A number of scholarships are available to individuals and teams to cover costs of travel, housing and expenses. Teams outside the Cambridge/London area will be given preference. Please indicate if you can approach other sponsors (societies, university department or other) to help support expenses.

We thank the Synthetic Biology Strategic Research Initiative of the University of Cambridge for funding.

When/Where will it occur?

Applications are due midnight May 30th. Teams will be announced on June 1st.

Entries are accepted either by teams or individuals and assembled into teams by the committee.

The event will run from Tuesday 21st June 6pm to Saturday 25th June 12am in the Department of Plant Sciences University of Cambridge. Judging will occur and presentations awarded at the annual Technology Ventures Conference (TVC) where teams will have the opportunity to pitch and present their solutions.


Ethics, Openness, Outreach and the Media course – SAW session

Above: Nicotiana benthamiana by Aymeric Leveau (JIC), image NRP-103: licenced under CC-BY 4.0.Below: Artwork created by a scientists, inspired by above image of Nicotiana benthamiana

Above: Nicotiana benthamiana by Aymeric Leveau (JIC), image NRP-103: licenced under CC-BY 4.0.

Below: Artwork created by a scientists, inspired by above image of Nicotiana benthamiana

As part of a workshop for post docs on ethics, the media, openness and outreach the participants were treated to an after-dinner Science Art and Writing session at St Andrews Brewhouse in Norwich. The session began with a discussion about communicating with the public and then focused in on specialised communication, something scientists do very well! Writer Mike O’Driscoll then introduced the group to other styles of communication and encouraged them to write poetry to explore new ways of getting messages across. 

Artist Chris Hann then led an art activity on the theme of plants to encourage creative interpretation and sharing of science. This activity not only introduced new ways of approaching outreach but also gave the scientists time to reflect on the key messages and aims of their work and how they might express that and also sitting around the table exercising their artistic sides led to a vibrant level of creative exchange which was very refreshing.



Short poems from scientists

Short poems from scientists

OpenPlant Plant Fund 2016 - Pitches on Mon 14 March announced!

OpenPlantFund-Jan2016-Slider We've got a fantastic line-up of teams pitching for the OpenPlant Fund - £5000 grants to support innovative, open and interdisciplinary projects to engineer plant biology. All are welcome to hear the teams 13:00-16:30 on Mon 14 March in the Large Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge. We'll be sticking strictly to time, so feel free to drop in even if you can only make it for a couple of pitches.

Pitch Timetable

14 March 2016, 13:00 - 16:30 Large Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

Time Project Title
13:00 Opening remarks
13:15 Hot Tomato: Complementation of the Capsaicin Biosynthetic Pathway to Engineer Spicy Tomatoes
13:30 ​Synthetic Biology for Schools: A multidisciplinary approach
13:40 Implementation of a synthetic transcriptional AND gate in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
13:50 Co-lab OpenPlant - interdisciplinary workshops of science art and design
14:00 Desktop plant experiment box
14:10 Environmental sensor networks based on plant electrical signalling.
14:20 Coffee Break
14:50 Plant electro-mechanics
15:00 Advancing the ability to image single RNA molecules at the cellular level
15:10 Establish a Procedure for Rapid Identification of Genetic Parts for Use in Algal Biotechnology
15:20 Establishing 3D Printed Microfluidics for Molecular Biology Workflows
15:30 Universal precise large area colony scanning stage with measurement and selection tool integration
15:40 Development of an Open Source Autonomous Imaging Station for Distribution in High Schools, Universities, and Emerging DIY Scientific Communities.
15:50 Printable SynBioLab - a feasability study
16:00 A synthetic biology approach to investigating arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in Marchantia paleacea
16:10 Closing remarks

EUSynBioS Symposium: Registration Open!

EUSynBioS is an organisation for students and postdocs in synthetic biology research in Europe, founded by University of Cambridge plant synthetic biologist Christian Boehm, is holding its first EUSynBioS Symposium, themed Engineering Biology for a Better Future at Imperial College London, 9-10 April 2016.

From EUSynBioS:

The Symposium kicks off with a Visionary keynote address from none other than synthetic biology pioneer Tom Knight (Ginkgo Bioworks)! A former professor at MIT and one of the very first synthetic biology entrepreneurs, Tom will give us an insight into the early days of synthetic biology and talk about what the future holds. Next up we have a session of scientific presentations exclusively by early career synbio researchers, i.e. you! We want the symposium to provide graduate students and early career post-docs a platform where they present their research to peers and senior scientists. I’m sure other members and PIs attending can’t wait to see more cutting edge synthetic biology research, so register and submit your abstracts until the 1st of April!

Post-lunch the symposium breaks up into smaller breakout sessions on various topics from biodiversity to design and public engagement. Led by excellent fellow members, these sessions are a great opportunity to express your views and hear others on important issues in synbio today. We then have two inspiring speakers, Luke Alphey (Oxitec) and Emily LeProust (Twist BioSciences) talking about their career paths to setting up world changing synbio companies. A must for all budding synbio entrepreneurs! We hear about efforts to regulate synbio technologies from gene synthesis to gene editing regularly. Michele Garfinkel (former Policy Analyst at the J.Craig Venter Institute, and currently at EMBO) will talk next, guiding us through the world of policy making and talk about how we can make a difference in how synbio is legislated in the future.

And finally, we close the symposium with an Open Discussion on a topic chosen by you: Gene Drives! Gene Drives have gotten a lot of press in the last few months and we have none other than the scientist who coined the term, Austin Burt (Imperial College London), joined by Michele Garfinkel and Luke Alphey, giving us an introduction to what this fascinating technology holds for the future. This session is a forum for you the express your views and get answers from experts about gene drives: How do they work? Will they change the world for the better? Is it ethical to do so? ...and many more questions, we’re sure!

If any of these topics (or indeed all!) interest you, or if you want to meet and interact with other synthetic biologists, this symposium is made for you!

Register for the event here, and we hope to see you all in April!

Your EUSynBioS Steering Committee

Open Source Hardware in Synthetic Biology

Source: Open Source Hardware from the PLOS SynBio Community, licensed under CC-BY 4.0

AddThis Sharing Buttons above

by Tobias Wenzel, who received an OpenPlant Fund grant to develop DokuBricks

Open Source Hardware is an exciting new trend


Figure 1: OpenFlexture Microscope by Richard Bowman, UK, 3D printed and operated with a Raspberry Pi computer.

 “This microscope is one of the cleverest pieces of open source hardware for laboratory use that I have seen so far” said Prof. Jim Haseloff in the Plant Science Department at the University of Cambridge, as he learned about a design by Richard Bowman. Richard, a fellow in the Department of Physics, was frustrated about the difficulty of working with conventional technologies for some of his experiments. For example fitting a growth chamber into a microscope can be a major challenge. Many conventional scientific instruments are designed to be incompatible to possible extensions and are not co-developed by the user community, leading to impractical designs. Thus he built his own digital microscope from a 3D printed chassis and a simple Raspberry Pi computer. The main challenge to solve for high-quality microscopy results was to position and stabilise the sample. He solved this with a one-piece 3D printed flexing mechanism in plastic. Now the microscope is ready for all sorts of adaption, it can even be placed inside commercial incubators or used in education and field uses – all at a tiny fraction of the price of conventional digital microscopes. What a great demonstration of the uses that are enabled by rapid prototyping methods! Increasingly available methods are e.g. 3D printing and laser cutting along with accessible electronic units such as Arduino microcontrollers or Raspberry Pi computers.


Figure 2: OpenTrons pipetting robot for open source liquid handling, designed by junior MIT scientists, USA

Richard is not alone in his desire to make experiments more reproducible, and customisable as well as automated. In the last few years, Open Ephys and Backyard Brains started providing tools for electrophysiology measurements, OpenTrons and open syringepump designs target the automation of liquid handling, the electrochemical potentiostat Cheapstat was a creation of an iGEM team and was published in 2011, a different iGEM team in 2015 created a fluorescence microscope adaptation of Richard’s initial design to join the ranks of another popular fluorescence microscope by Tom Baden and Andre Chagas from the University of Tuebingen, Germany. The last mentioned scientists also curate the PLOS Open Source Hardware collection where many other examples can be discovered.

Sharing equipment plans is an opportunity for experimental science, especially Synthetic Biology

Another noteworthy collection that demonstrates the fast raising popularity of Open Source Hardware is Joshua Pearce’s Appropedia and his book Open-source Lab. He illustrates the benefits of open scientific information sharing to the reader in depth. Beyond the arguments of openness, Open Source Hardware works well in science since many experimental set-ups are prototypes that are suitable for manual or rapid manufacturing methods and because technical training is widely available in science. Furthermore, it is a job requirement to demonstrate impact in this profession. Extending the publication-like sharing philosophy to hardware has worked well for the pioneers.

Synthetic Biology specifically can benefit from the open community engineering approach to bring the users and designers of complex interdisciplinary equipment closer together. The exchange of designs and protocols comes hand in hand with an increase of reproducibility of experiments, which is a major challenge of the field. The reproducibility is further enhanced by the additional number of eyes that can spot errors in protocols and improve processes without additional development cost. Open Source Hardware works well in businesses too, when equipment is expensive and specialised as is the case for most synthetic biology instruments. For example: OpenIOlabs is a young Cambridge company that (among others) is in the process of open sourcing many expensive equipment parts from the supply chain, in order to make their key products more accessible and IO Rodeo offers open source laboratory equipment for which the user can decide how many parts he wants to buy and what to build on their own. Users then often contribute improvements for free, which has most prominently driven the development cycles of 3D printers.

Many designs come from the DIY community. Are the bio laboratory designs good enough?


Figure 3: NinjaPRC, a thermocycler design for open source DNA amplification, by Shingo Hisakawa, Japan

A lot of existing open source designs come from the do-it-yourself (DIY) and maker community, as the trend only recently reached academia and business more widely. A group of scientists and makers in Cambridge, UK, tried to replicate open source designs for biology laboratory equipment to kickstart a DIY biolab and evaluate the designs along the criteria of safety, quality, adaptability and ease of build. Funded by a mini-grant of the Synthetic Biology Strategic Research Initiative, they attempted designs for electrophoretic gel boxes, a centrifuge, PCR thermocyclers, tube holders, syringe pumps and a 3D printer (more to be found online, soon). Unfortunately, the team discovered more problems than solutions: even in the documentation sets that looked good, essential parts were missing. Some designs referred to specific parts that are not generally available and that had to be shipped from the US for high costs. Most design files where difficult to adapt to other sizes of e.g. acrylic sheets when build from a metric rather than US-imperial material stock. Assembly sets that could be ordered commercially were complete and had decent to good assembly instructions, but the documentations were usually not sufficient to build the hardware without buying the set, thus not fully deserving the label ‘Open Source Hardware’.

Open Source Hardware + good documentation; it just got easier with DocuBricks

There is a lesson to be learned from the incompleteness of commercial assembly-set documentations: Open Source Hardware is more than an assembly instruction. It is also about documenting design files and decisions along its functionality and in a modular fashion, complete with testing and calibration instructions. A good documentation enables the project to grow and improve without the doing of the inventor. Only in this way most projects can enfold their benefit well to society and technology companies. To be sure, documenting a hardware project is not easy and requires time. For this reason a handful scientists at the University of Cambridge (including the author), all with a background in technology and biology, recently started the DocuBricks initiative. DocuBricks is an open source and free software that makes documenting hardware and usage procedures easier. The name is a reference to modularity in the same way as Lego or BioBricks. As the name suggests, the editor part of the software guides the user through a modular documentation structure with relevant fields in a standardised, yet general format. The user can create a hierarchy of documentation bricks, explaining their function, implementation and assembly while referring to a parts library. The result is a XML document and a folder with construction and media files that is displayed with the viewer part of the software (a style sheet and script to enable interactivity).


Figure 4: DocuBricks* logo, the new open source tool for easy generation of high-quality hardware and procedure documentations. (*Image rights: Tobias Wenzel)

Over the database with the same name,, the projects can be shared and found. The team puts emphasis on impact tracking and acknowledgement, to make engagement in Open Source Hardware not only easier, but also more promising to the scientific community. Projects can also be cited via DOI’s, which are internationally curated short links and the standard way of referencing scientific literature. The new initiative is growing fast: Richard Bowman’s microscope from the beginning of this article can already be found. The wireless communication designs of Shuttleworth Fellow and collaborator Luca Mustafa will be released soon, just like several projects of the OpenPlant Initiative in Cambridge and a number of other scientific interest groups. Even a journal on Open Source Hardware from the Ubiquity Press will be launched and intends to use DocuBricks as the preferred documentation format. When will you join the effort to make science more open and reproducible?

Tobias Wenzel is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge and DocuBricks founder. This blog is a summary of a presentation given at Cafe Synthetique in November 2015. 

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[Closes 17 Mar 2016] Postdoctoral Research Fellow in SynBio Governance

The Innogen Institute is advertising for a research fellow to take up a 2-year post to work in collaboration with two large science projects in the University of Edinburgh, the UK Centre for Mammalian Synthetic Biology (CMSB) and Implantable Micro-systems for Personalised Anti-Cancer Therapy (IMPACT).

You will conduct social/policy research for two science projects, UK Centre for Mammalian Synthetic Biology (CMSB) and Implantable Micro-systems for Personalised Anti-Cancer Therapy (IMPACT), investigating the governance processes in place for the relevant technologies and how they will influence future innovative value chains.

This is a fixed term, full time post tenable for a 24 month period from a flexible start date of 2 May 2016. This post attracts an annual salary of £31,656 to £37,768 per annum based on 35 hours each week (pro rata).

Closing Date: 5pm (GMT) on Thursday 17th March 2016.

Read more >>>

Plant Artificial Chromosome Technology

AMELIA FRIZELL-ARMITAGE of The Global Plant Council introduces future directions for Plant Artificial Chromosome Technology:

Plant artificial chromosomes (PACs) have many advantages over traditional transformation systems. For example, to confer complex traits such as disease resistance and tolerance to abiotic stresses such as heat and drought, multiple genes are required. This is not easy with current methods of modification.

Read more >>>

There's also mention of the recent workshop on the CRISPR-CAS system of genome editing held in September 2015 by GARNet and OpenPlant at the John Innes Centre in Norwich! You can read the full meeting report here.

OpenPlant Science, Art and Writing Workshop a success

Year 6 pupils at Stapleford Community Primary School (South Cambs) enjoyed an OpenPlant ­ Science, Art and Writing Trust day workshop at the end of January. Scientists Dr. Carlos A Lugo (TSL) and Marielle Vigouroux (JIC), together with SAW Trust coordinator, Dr. Jenni Rant (JIC), artist Chris Hann and writer Mike O’Driscoll, presented their OpenPlant Fund plant electrophysiology project through a series of activities themed around excitable media and circuits of plants, linking them to biological systems like the brain, heart and muscle.

The pupils used the Plant SpikerShield system wired up to a Venus flytrap plant and observed the signal when the trap closed. They also had fun working out the optimum time lapse between trigger hair taps for the trap to shut, flexed their muscles to light a bulb, listened to their heartbeat and tested brain signalling with Chinese whispers. With the invaluable help from a professional writer and artist, children were inspired by the science to write some amazing poems and create fantastic pieces of art. The children were very receptive, everyone had lots of fun and the feedback was incredibly positive. A big thank you to Ms Emma Wright, the year 6 teacher, for her warm welcome and her enthusiasm towards the project!

Comments from the kids;

‘In Science, I really enjoyed the reflex activity where we did Chinese whispers and were shining lights into our eyes to see how they react. Also, the venus fly trap was incredible, the way it would close if something tickles the hair inside’.

‘I enjoyed doing the science where I had sensors stuck to my arm, then I would tense my muscles to make the lights go red’.

‘I enjoyed the images of neurons and recreating them with dye, the result was rather satisfying. It was also fun doing the poetry’.

A comment from the teacher, Emma Wright;

The SAW day was fantastic. Throughout the day the children were all engaged with the variety of activities. The children also learnt a lot from the subject specialists that showed their subjects in a new light. Equally the children and teachers alike picked up hints and tips that could be used in the classroom again. I would highly recommend this for anyone.

Poems written in the workshop;


by Ben

Icy, sapphire neurons racing around colliding,

Whispering Venus fly traps with dagger-like hairs,

Spearing out jaggedly.

A stampede of colours like two universes amalgamating,

A heartbeat,

Boom…..boom boom…….boom boom,

A vortex of multicolour zooms around in an oyster shape,

A scene of Africa with a paisley pattern confuses the brain.



by Elijah

Pumping message swirling

Across rainbow chaos,

Pumping high to low,


X-ray signal making waves,

Tubes linking, waving sea into my brain.

2016 Synthetic Genome Summer Course: July 3rd to July 7th

In conjunction with the Annual Sc2.0 and Synthetic Genomes Conference, the University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London and the BBSRC are running an exciting 5-day residential summer school in Edinburgh teaching the practical lab techniques and theory behind genome synthesis, CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering and advanced synthetic biology. This innovative course runs for the 5-days before the Sc2.0 conference and as part of the package all participants get attendance to the conference, as well as 7 nights en-suite accommodation and meals. Registration is now open and spaces are very limited. For more details and for registration please visit the Synthetic Genome Summer Course website:

Package Price: £420 Enquiries:

Find out more >>>

A modular toolbox for gRNA–Cas9 genome engineering in plants based on the GoldenBraid standard

A new publication from Diego Orzaez's lab demonstrates the functionality and the efficiency of gRNA–Cas9 GB tools in Nicotiana benthamiana - a useful toolbox for plant synthetic biology! Vazquez-Vilar, M., Bernabé-Orts, J.M., Fernandez-del-Carmen, A., Ziarsolo, P., Blanca, J., Granell, A. and Orzaez, D., 2016. A modular toolbox for gRNA–Cas9 genome engineering in plants based on the GoldenBraid standard. Plant Methods, 12(1), p.1.

Read the full paper (OPEN ACCESS) >>>



The efficiency, versatility and multiplexing capacity of RNA-guided genome engineering using the CRISPR/Cas9 technology enables a variety of applications in plants, ranging from gene editing to the construction of transcriptional gene circuits, many of which depend on the technical ability to compose and transfer complex synthetic instructions into the plant cell. The engineering principles of standardization and modularity applied to DNA cloning are impacting plant genetic engineering, by increasing multigene assembly efficiency and by fostering the exchange of well-defined physical DNA parts with precise functional information.


Here we describe the adaptation of the RNA-guided Cas9 system to GoldenBraid (GB), a modular DNA construction framework being increasingly used in Plant Synthetic Biology. In this work, the genetic elements required for CRISPRs-based editing and transcriptional regulation were adapted to GB, and a workflow for gRNAs construction was designed and optimized. New software tools specific for CRISPRs assembly were created and incorporated to the public GB resources site.


The functionality and the efficiency of gRNA–Cas9 GB tools were demonstrated in Nicotiana benthamiana using transient expression assays both for gene targeted mutations and for transcriptional regulation. The availability of gRNA–Cas9 GB toolbox will facilitate the application of CRISPR/Cas9 technology to plant genome engineering.

Using electronic circuits to represent synthetic biology at the Youth STEMM Award mid-year conference

OpenPlant exhibited on gene circuits and synthetic biology at their stand at the exciting mid-year conference for the Youth STEMM Award. Around 200 pupils, aged 14­16, from schools around Norfolk attended the event at the John Innes Centre which included exhibits showcasing the science on site as well as a keynote talk from celebrity ethnobiologist James Wong. Read more about the Youth STEMM Award here.

The OpenPlant exhibit, run by Nadia Radzman, Don Nguyen and Colette Matthewman, explained gene circuits by comparing them to representative electronic circuits. Example gene circuits were explained to visitors, who then interacted with the electronic circuits and paired them with the gene circuit they represented. This use of electronics represented the concept of synthetic biology as an engineering discipline and opened up conversations around standard parts, components and modularisation ­- key principles of engineering. Pupils could also learn how scientists at the John Innes Centre get these gene circuits into Tobacco plants and had a go at infiltrating tobacco leaves (with water containing colouring). Plenty of information about case studies for the use of gene circuits in plants were given to complete the picture of what synthetic biology can achieve.

We were very impressed by how well the pupils interacted with the activities. The circuits caught the attention of those with a physics or engineering interest as well as those who were more focused on biology.



Meeting report: GARNet/OpenPlant CRISPR-Cas workshop

In September 2015, GARNet and OpenPlant organized a two-day workshop at the John Innes Centre that provided both background information and hands-on training for CRISPR-Cas technology. The report from that meeting is now online, co-authored by Dr Nicola Patron and Dr Colette Matthewman from OpenPlant along with GARNet colleagues.

Parry, G., Patron, N., Bastow, R., & Matthewman, C. (2016). Meeting report: GARNet/OpenPlant CRISPR-Cas workshop. Plant methods, 12(1), 1. 
Full text
PDF (1.2MB)

The article is fully Open Access under a CC-BY 4.0 license so it’s reproduced below!

Meeting report: GARNet/OpenPlant CRISPR-Cas workshop

  • Geraint Parry†Email author,
  • Nicola Patron†,
  • Ruth Bastow and
  • Colette Matthewman

†Contributed equally

Plant Methods201612:6
DOI: 10.1186/s13007-016-0104-
©  Parry et al. 2016

Received: 17 November 201
Accepted: 5 January 2016
Published: 27 January 2016


Targeted genome engineering has been described as a “game-changing technology” for fields as diverse as human genetics and plant biotechnology. One technique used for precise gene editing utilises the CRISPR-Cas system and is an effective method for genetic engineering in a wide variety of plants. However, many researchers remain unaware of both the technical challenges that emerge when using this technique or of its potential benefits. Therefore in September 2015, GARNet and OpenPlant organized a two-day workshop at the John Innes Centre that provided both background information and hands-on training for this important technology.



CRISPR Cas9 Gene Editing Genetic Engineering

Geraint Parry and Nicola Patron contributed equally to this manuscript


Over the past few years, genome engineering (GE), the process of making targeted modifications to the genome, its contexts or its outputs, has been described as a “game-changing technology for fields as diverse as human genetics and plant biotechnology. The ability to introduce specific changes to genomic loci adds a level of precision not previously available to molecular biologists working in multicellular eukaryotes. Despite overwhelming scientific opinion that Genetically Modified (GM) plants are safe and provide environmental and socioeconomic benefits, they remain broadly unpopular outside of the scientific community [13]. This has been blamed both on inaccurate media reporting and public concerns over the ownership of technologies that underpin food production [46]. Given these political and public opinions, plant scientists are particularly hopeful about the future use of GE technologies, which are likely to enable precise genetic changes to be made without the ongoing requirement for foreign DNA to be integrated the genome.

However, despite some countries ruling that plants with targeted mutations may not be regulated as GM, there is still much uncertainty [78]. Even as the technologies behind GE are being optimized, the scientific community is engaging with stakeholders to highlight potential positive uses, including how it might be used to develop better crops. This is exemplified by a policy statement from the UK’s Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) on “New Techniques for Genetic Crop Improvement” that outlines positive uses for GE technologies [9].

The experimental protocols needed to implement these powerful techniques are yet to be embraced by many plant science laboratories. To address this issue GARNet [10] and OpenPlant [11] collaborated to organise a workshop to explain the background of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR)/Cas technologies for GE in plants and to equip plant scientists with the skills required to implement Cas9-induced targeted mutagenesis. Over 140 researchers registered for the meeting, held at the John Innes Centre (UK), from as far-afield as Ireland and Poland, clearly demonstrating the appetite to apply these technologies to plant systems. The first day was open to all attendees and consisted of conventional ‘seminar-style’ presentations, while day two was a hands-on introduction for 30 researchers. This meeting was made possible by the kind support of Plant Methods.

Day one presentations

The meeting was opened by Dr. Jim Haseloff from The University of Cambridge who introduced synthetic biology in plant systems and Dr. Nicola Patron of The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich (TSL), the primary organiser, who provided a historical perspective on GE technologies. The specifics of these technologies are discussed in detail as part of this Plant Methodsthematic series. Keynote presentations were given by Professor Holger Puchta (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and Professor Bing Yang (Iowa State University) who each provided overviews and success stories from their own laboratories. These were followed by shorter talks from scientists at JIC, TSL and the University of Cambridge who are already working with CRISPR/Cas technologies.

Professor Puchta gave an inspiring talk that provided attendees with the history of his seminal work. He presented earlier work showing that induction of double strand breaks (DSBs) using site-specific endonucleases can enhance the freqeuncy of homologous recombination in plant cells through to his recent work using RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease to induce DSBs [1213]. He mentioned that the two most important molecular discoveries of his lifetime had been the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and GE technologies, the latter he described as having “hit him like a tsunami”. It was exciting to hear about his lab’s recent use of paired nickase variants of Cas9, which cut just one DNA strand, to induce larger endogenous deletions [1314]. Professor Puchta was extremely positive about the potential for GE and in his final perspectives noted that “Synthetic nuclease based DSB-induced DNA repair should be applicable for directed mutagenesis in all transformable plants”, and “in the long run synthetic nuclease-based GE will change plant breeding dramatically”. He also thought it possible that plants with targeted mutations might not be regulated in the same way as transgenic GM plants.

Professor Yang echoed this, presenting a letter from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that informed him that the GE rice produced in his laboratory did not fall within its regulatory authority [1415]. Professor Yang documented his work on GE in maize and rice, showing that in cultivars where poor transformation efficiency was a significant bottleneck, GE technologies has sped up the process. He also described the induction of a large deletion of 245 kb in rice using RNA-guided Cas9 [15].

Dr. Laurence Tomlinson and Dr. Vladimir Nekrasov, both from TSL, presented their successful applications of RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease to induce targeted mutagenesis in tomatoes. Tomlinson’s work involved GA signaling whilst Nekrasov described the induction of targeted mutations to engineer pathogen-resistance. He took the audience through initial experimental design, through screening of putatively mutated plants to the identification of individuals showing resistance to powdery mildew. It took just 9 months to identify transgene-free, resistant plants with heritable mutations. Nekrasov confirmed that he and his supervisor, Professor Sophien Kamoun, are now investigating options to make their plants available to growers in regions where the pathogen is a significant problem, whilst also undertaking full-genome sequence analysis to determine if the plants contain any additional mutations. University of Cambridge PhD student, Bernando Pollak, introduced the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, highlighting the ease by which its genome can be manipulated, as well as its potential as an easily engineerable chassis for synthetic biology. Many of the signaling pathways in Marchantialack the redundancy seen in vascular land plants [16] and so it has huge potential as a tool for the study of plant signaling. Additionally, Marchantia is haploid for a large portion of its life cycle and thus the application of programmable nucleases such as RNA-guided Cas9 are even easier to apply. Dr.Oleg Raitskin (TSL) described experiments to further optimize RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease mediated mutagenesis in plants, including the assessment of orthologues and mutants of Cas9 that may expand the number of possible targets in the genome. He also introduced the concepts behind digital droplet PCR and its implementation in the rapid, quantitative assessment of mutations.

The final presentation was delivered by Edward Perello, Chief Business Officer of Desktop Genetics [17], a UK-based software company who develop tools to support the application of CRISPR-associated technologies. Mr. Perello announced that their guide RNA selection software, Guidebook, now supports six plant genomes (Arabidopsis, rice, maize, wheat, barley and Physcomitrella). Plant scientists were encouraged to use this software, which is free for academics, as well as to contact the Desktop Genetics team with feedback and requests for new features and genomes.

Day two workshop

For the workshop on the second day, participants were given a detailed introduction to the methods used to induce targeted mutagenesis and gene deletions with RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease. This was a hands-on session designed to give the participants a full understanding of how to undertake three key aspects of the technique: selecting target sequences, constructing plasmid vectors, and screening target loci for induced mutations. The content was tailored for researchers working on any transformable plant species.

As well as discussing targeted mutagenesis, Dr. Patron provided an introduction to Type IIS mediated assembly methods for the facile construction of plasmid vectors. Dr. Patron is an advocate for the adoption of standards in bioengineering. She was the lead author on a recent manuscript that described a broadly agreed common genetic syntax for the exchange of DNA parts for plants [18]. In addition, Dr. Patron has contributed to a toolkit of standard parts for plants and created a series of informative online tutorials that introduces users to the Golden Gate Modular Cloning (MoClo) assembly standard [1920]. Participants were instructed in the use of published standard parts (Table 1), compatible with the MoClo binary plasmid backbones to build vectors for multiplexed Cas9-induced mutagenesis. The workshop materials have been provided on the GARNet website [21] but the main points are summarized below.

Designing single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) for use with Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9

Fig. 1Interaction of a single guide RNA (sgRNA) expressed from a U6 promoter with its cognate genomic target (adapted from Belhaj et al. [23])

Fig. 1

Interaction of a single guide RNA (sgRNA) expressed from a U6 promoter with its cognate genomic target (adapted from Belhaj et al. [23])

  1. The target sequence, which is integrated into the single guide RNA (sgRNA), consists of 20 nucleotides (nt). In the genome, target sequences must be located immediately 5′ of an ‘NGG’ sequence, known as the ProtospacerAdjacent Motif (PAM) (Fig. 1). The 6–8nt immediately 5′ of the PAM are called the ‘seed region’ and should be 100 % identical to the target sequence. DSBs may still be induced at targets with one or more mismatches in the 5′ end of the target sequence. The induction of DSBs in sequences that do not exactly match the guide is known as ‘off-target activity’ and may be exploited for simultaneously inducing mutations in closely related sequences although the delivery of multiple sgRNAs that exactly match each target may be more successful.


  2. RNA polymerase III (RNAPol-III) dependent promoters are generally used to transcribe sgRNAs. This is because of their precise transcriptional start site. As the target sequence comprises the 5′ end of the sgRNA, the start of transcription must be preserved. For example, the transcriptional start site of the Arabidopsis U6-26 promoter is a ‘G’ and therefore the transcript will begin with a ‘G’. This nt does not necessarily need to pair with the genomic target. If the desired target sequence does not start with a ‘G’ an additional 5′ non-pairing ‘G’ can be included, extending the target to 21 nts (Fig. 1).

  3. If specific sgRNA identification software is not available for the genome of interest, target sequences can be identified using many DNA analysis software packages by searching for the degenerate sequence ‘N(20)NGG’. Cas9 has been shown to preferentially bind sgRNAs containing purines in the last 4 nucleotides of the spacer sequence whereas pyrimidines are disfavoured [25]. Although unconfirmed in plant systems, users may wish to select targets rich in purines by searching for ‘N(12)R(8)NGG’.

  4. For purposes of creating functional ‘knock-outs’, two or more sgRNAs can be designed to the same gene, thus creating a small deletion. Constructs with multiple sgRNAs, the Cas9 and selection genes as well as other transcriptional units can be easily assembled using the MoClo plasmid system and published standard parts (Table 1) [202226].

Once the constructs have been assembled, they are delivered to plant cells using established protocols for the species of interest. Although transient transfection of plasmids and direct delivery of protein-RNA complexes to protoplasts have resulted in targeted mutagenesis [2728], regeneration from protoplasts has not yet been established for many plant species. The assembled genes may be integrated as a transgene raft. The resulting transformants can then be analysed for lesions at the target locus. The final part of the workshop was dedicated to simple, rapid techniques for the identification of induced mutations at target loci.

Screening putatively mutagenised plants

Fig. 2Detection of induced mutations. a If two single guide RNAs were delivered with the aim of deleting a fragment of DNA, oligonucleoitide primers flanking the targets can be used to PCR amplify the locus. Evidence of an amplicon, smalle…

Fig. 2

Detection of induced mutations. a If two single guide RNAs were delivered with the aim of deleting a fragment of DNA, oligonucleoitide primers flanking the targets can be used to PCR amplify the locus. Evidence of an amplicon, smaller that that obtained in a wildtype (WT) control is indicative of a deletion. The absence of an amplicon of equivalent size to the WT may indicate a homozygous deletion. b If the quantity of the deletion amplicon is low or absent, the genomic DNA can be digested with any restriction endonuclease (REN) with one or more recognition sites in the deletion region prior to PCR amplification. This will remove any wild-type sequence enabling the detection of deletions even if at low quantity in the sample. c Double strand breaks (DSBs) are most likely to occur three base pairs before the PAM in the seed-region of the target. Small insertion-deletion events at the target can be detected by digesting a PCR amplicon of the target locus with a REN for which the cognate sequence would be disrupted by imperfect repair of the DSB

  1. Genomic DNA is purified and, if two sgRNAs were used, oligonucleoitide primers flanking the targets sites are used to PCR amplify the locus. Evidence of a deletion can be seen in the form of amplicons smaller than those obtained from a wild type control (Fig. 2a). The absence of the wildtype amplicon may indicate that the deletion was homozygous (Fig. 2a). The sequence of this band may confirm if both sister chromatids were repaired in the same way or if the plant is bialleic. If an amplicon corresponding to the wild-type is also present, the deletion may be heterozygous or, alternatively, the transgenes may be expressed in somatic tissues with cells in the sample showing multiple genotypes. In all cases the seeds will be collected and null-segregent progeny, which have not inherited the transgene, and (unless the deletion was homozygous in the primary transformants) progeny that have inherited the transgene analysed in the same way. The mutation can be classified as heritable and stable when progeny with the same mutant genotype as the parent are recovered and the transgene has been segregated out.


  2. Following PCR amplification, if there is no evidence of smaller band indicating a deletion then two experiments are possible: The first is to digest the purified genomic DNA with a restriction endonuclease with one or more recognition sites between the targets and to PCR amplify the locus with oligonucleotide primers designed to the flanking regions (Fig. 2b). This pre-digestion will remove any wild-type sequence enabling the detection of deletions from just a few cells in the sample. Such plants are highly likely to be chimeric and will need to be progressed to a second generation. The second method allows the detection of small insertion-deletion events at the target rather than a deletion. A DSB is most likely to occur three base pairs before the PAM in the seed-region of the target (Fig. 1). If there is a restriction endonuclease recognition site that would be disrupted by imperfect repair of the DSB, a PCR amplicon of the target locus can be digested with this enzyme. Any amplicon showing resistance to digestion with this enzyme can be sequenced (Fig. 2c). A researcher with sufficient foresight will try to design a target region that contains RE sites that could be used for subsequent screening. Again, the mutation can be classified as heritable and stable when progeny with the same mutant genotype as the parent are recovered and the transgene has been segregated out.

Mutations are detected in at least some cells of at least 5–20 % of primary transformants, with much higher frequencies reported for some species [29]. This rate is dependent on the effectiveness of the specific sgRNAs and species-specific factors including the level of expression of Cas9 and sgRNAs achieved in the tissue to which the transgene is delivered.

One of the main criticisms of programmable nucleases for the induction of targeted mutations is the potential for off-target activity. Although many plant species can be easily backcrossed to ‘clean up’ the genetic background as is done for chemical or radiation-induced mutagenesis, off-targets can only be identified by sequencing either related target sites or the whole genome. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that GE technologies offer immediate opportunities for increasing genetic diversity in crop plants and for understanding the function of plant genes. The take-away message from this workshop was that the technique has enormous potential, but that it can be technically challenging to implement. A post-workshop survey received many positive responses about the breadth of the talks and especially regarding the day two workshop. However, there are still knowledge gaps in the plant science community and therefore GARNet will be organising a further CRISPR-Cas workshop as part of its general meeting, to be held in September 2016 (


Geraint Parry and Nicola Patron contributed equally to this manuscript


Authors’ contributions

The article was prepared with equal contributions by GP and NP. RB and CM were involved in organisation of the workshop. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


The authors would like to thank the GARNet Advisory Committee for suggestions toward development of the workshop.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Geraint Parry and Ruth Bastow are funded by BBSRC grant BB/M004376/1. Nicola Patron and Colette Matthewman are funded by BBSRC grant BB/L014130/1.

Open AccessThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://reativecommons.rg/icenses/y/./), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://reativecommons.rg/ublicdomain/ero/./) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.


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