Information about the OpenPlant Forum 2021 coming soon…
The annual OpenPlant Forum explores potential applications of reprogrammed biological systems and the wider implications of the potentially disruptive new technologies. The Forum is held annually, in the last week of July, alternating between Cambridge and Norwich. We welcome attendees from outside OpenPlant.
Previous OpenPlant Forums
Smart Design for the Future Bioeconomy 2019
OpenPlant Forum 2019: Smart Design for the Future of Bio-economy
Blog by Sami Stebbings
The 2019 OpenPlant Forum explored the latest advances in plant synthetic biology for the future bioeconomy. Invited speakers were: Junbiao Dai (Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Daphne Ezer (Alan Turing Institute for Data Science), Sara-Jane Dunn (Microsoft Research Cambridge & University of Cambridge), Susan Rosser (University of Edinburgh), Leopold Parts (Wellcome Sanger Institute), Jason Chin (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology), Somenath Bakshi (University of Cambridge), Wendy Harwood (John Innes Centre), Martin Howard (John Innes Centre), George Lomonossoff (John Innes Centre), and Mario Arteaga-Vazquez (University of Veracruz). Industry perspectives were provided by Jim Ajioka (Colorifix), Eyal Maori (Tropic Biosciences), Rob Field (Iceni Diagnostics), Eugenio Butelli (Persephone Bio) and Tim Brears (Evonetix).
The OpenPlant Forum 2019 Conference Booklet can be found here.
Engineering Plants for Bioproduction 2018
OpenPlant Forum 2018: Engineering Plants for Bioproduction
Blog by Colette Matthewman
The 2018 OpenPlant Forum explored some of the latest advances in plant bioproduction. Invited speakers were: Paul Dupree (University of Cambridge), Christina Smolke (Stanford University), Dave Rejeski (Environmental Law Institute), Claudia Vickers (CSIRO FSP & University of Queensland), Ralf Reski (University of Freiburg), Joanne Kamens (Addgene), Linda Kahl (Biobricks Foundation) and Richard Sever (bioRxiv).
The OpenPlant Forum 2018 Conference Booklet can be found here.
Fast & Frugal Biotechnology 2017
The 2017 OpenPlant Forum provided a showcase for new technical developments in lyophilised cell-free systems and curriculum development, which allow gene expression experiments in low resource environments with poor access to refrigeration and containment facilities. Invited speakers were: Jim Swartz (Stanford), Keith Pardee (University of Toronto), Sebastian Maerkl (EPFL), Simon Moore (Imperial College), Simon Moore (Imperial College), Maneshree Jugmohan-Naidu (South African National Department of Science and Technology), Simon Trace (Oxford Policy Management), Lara Allen (Centre for Global Equality), Fiona Robertson (University of Zimbabwe), Jake Wintermute (CRI Paris), Karen Ingram (Artist), Helene Steiner (Microsoft Research), Mario Arteaga (Universidad Veracruzana), Dan Jenkins (Science and Plants for Schools).
The OpenPlant Forum 2018 Conference Booklet can be found here.
Reprogramming Agriculture 2016
OpenPlant Forum 2016: Reprogramming Agriculture with SynBio
Blog by Colette Matthewman
The 2016 OpenPlant Forum was based on the theme of "Reprogramming Agriculture", with invited keynote talks from Allan Green (CSIRO, Australia), Johnathan Napier (Rothamsted Research) Patrick Jarvis (AB Sugar, Wissington), Dominic Berry (University of Edinburgh), Spencer Adler (Bioeconomy Capital), Tom Knight (Ginkgo Bioworks), Peter Murray-Rust (ContentMine, Cambridge), commentary from Monique Simmonds (Kew Gardens), Wieke Betten (University of Amsterdam) and industry perspectives from Leaf Systems, NCG:Earlham Institute, OxSyBio, Cambridge Consultants, Rainbow Seed Fund/Midven, and Plant Bioscience.
The OpenPlant Forum 2016 Programme can be found here.
Openness & Innovation 2015
OpenPlant Forum 2015: Openness & Innovation
Blog by Colette Matthewman
The 2015 OpenPlant Forum explored a theme of "Openness & Innovation", with keynote presentations from external speakers Tom Knight (Ginkgo Bioworks), Randy Rettberg (iGEM Foundation), Jane Calvert (University of Edinburgh), David Rejeski (Woodrow Wilson Center), Linda Kahl (BioBricks Foundation), Marcus Gershater (Synthace), Chas Boundra (University of Oxford), Rob Mullins (Raspberry Pi & University of Cambridge), invited commentary from Drew Endy (Stanford) and industry perspectives from Twist Bioscience, Bactevo, Sphere Fluidics, Isomerase Therapeutics and SynBioBeta.
The OpenPlant Forum 2015 Programme can be found here.