Image credit: Alan Houghton & Andrew Davis, John Innes Centre, NRP Image Library NRP-291
OpenPlant and Industry
The scientific innovations, tools, technologies and data sharing approaches developed by OpenPlant have immediate impact on industry. OpenPlant has catalyzed several commercial success stories and is collaborating with industry to ascertain maximum output. Below we provide an overview of the OpenPlant spin-outs and collaborating start-ups that support the development of a sustainable bioeconomy.
Iceni diagnostics
OpenPlant PI Prof. Rob Field is co-founder and CEO of Iceni Diagnostics, a company that uses expertise in carbohydrate and analytical chemistry to develop products such as diagnostic tools for human and livestock diseases, and carbohydrate containing biopharmaceuticals. Read more on the Iceni Diganostics website.
OpenPlant PI Dr. Jim Ajioka is founder and CSO of Colorifix. Colorifix uses a synthetic biology approach to produce, deposit and fix pigments onto textiles, whereby relieving the burden the dyeing industry has on the environment. Read more on the Colorifix website.
Persephone bio
OpenPlant PI Prof. Cathie Martin is co-founder of Persephone Bio, a company that uses synthetic biology to produce plant natural products for the skin cosmetics and therapeutics sector. Read more on the Persephone Bio website.
Leaf Expression Systems
OpenPlant PI Prof. George Lomonossoff is a co-founder and advisory board member of Leaf Expression Systems. The company uses a plant-based transient expression system, the Hypertrans® System, to deliver rapid and scalable production of high-quality proteins. This system was developed by Prof. George Lomonosoff and Dr Frank Sainsbury. Read more on the Leaf Expression Systems website.
Tropic Biosciences
OpenPlant collaborates with Tropic Biosciences on the use of the OpenMTA. Tropic Biosciences uses genetic editing technologies to develop high-performing commercial varieties of tropical crops. More information on the benefit of the OpenMTA to the company is explained in the following video: