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OpenPlant Fund: Help will be on hand at this Cafe Synthetique to answer any questions you might have in relation to the current OpenPlant Fund call as the deadline for applications approaches, and to find last minute partners for your teams!
Circadian rhythms and cycling patterns of gene expression have great significance for living organisms - including ourselves! Find out more from our two speakers about the molecular basis of circadian rhythms and how close we are to engineering them using synthetic biology.
'Approaches to investigate the circadian system in Marchantia'
Lukas Mueller, Department of Plant Sciences
Lukas will speak about his OpenPlant project - an investigation into the circadian clock in Marchantia polymorpha and analysis of the regulation of clock behaviour and outputs in this relative of early land plants.
Circadian Rhythms: Everything you always wanted to know about Jet Lag (but were too tired to ask)
John O'Neill, MRC-LMB
John's talk feature a whirlwind tour through the history of chronobiology research, from the 4th century BC to the recent Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine and provide an insight into how disruption of this biological clock, as occurs during shift work, is linked with conditions such type II diabetes, neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease and various cancers.