OpenPlant Fund Application Form

The next call for OpenPlant Fund applications will be in Spring 2019. Stay tuned!

Download Application Form [.doc]

Please ensure that you have read all of the associated eligibility criteria and information before submitting an application. There are no word limits on the application in order to keep the application process as lightweight as possible, but please be concise!

All applicants are expected to attend an OpenPlant Fund event at the John Innes Centre in Norwich on 23 July 2018 to pitch their idea to a judging panel. Please make sure a team member is available for this date. We will confirm your invitation to pitch as soon as possible once we know the number of applications submitted. The OpenPlant Fund pitching event has been organised as a satellite event to the OpenPlant Forum and will be a great opportunity to share your proposal plans and to network with others. Please do consider staying in Norwich for the OpenPlant Forum. Register for free at

Please submit an application containing the following sections by email to in an editable format such as .odt or .docx (not PDF) and attach any images separately to the email.


Title of Project

Primary contact for the team

Include name, department, organisation and email address


Please include the names and email addresses of all team members, include their department/organisation and briefly (1-2 sentences) what they will contribute to the project.


Briefly summarise your proposal


Describe what you are planning to do with the funding, including aims, methods, outcomes and who will be involved

Benefits and outcomes

Describe how your project fits the remit of OpenPlant and the judging criteria, including details of any new interdisciplinary interactions between Cambridge and Norwich.

Sponsor for the research and cost centre

Include name, institution, department and email address of the individual who will support the project and sponsor the cost-code to which you want funds to be allocated. This would generally be a research supervisor. Make sure you get permission from the sponsor and include the following text in your application:

I confirm that I have the full support of the sponsor listed above and that they can be added to the OpenPlant Fund mailing list to receive project updates (to which they can unsubscribe at any time).


Provide costings for your proposal (up to £4000) and indicate if you have access to any additional funding to meet your aims.