OpenPlant Fund: Perfect Pitch on a Punt, 23 Jul 16:00-19:30

PitchOnaPuntPoster-newCome and join potential OpenPlant Fund applicants from Norwich and Cambridge to hone your pitches, network and enjoy punting and a picnic by the Cam (wet weather option also available!).

30 spaces are bookable below (logged-in users only, email if you prefer not to make an account) and the event will take place at The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge.

A minibus will leave Norwich at 14:30 and depart from Cambridge at 19:30, please email Jenny on to secure your place!

[dpProEventCalendar id="9" category="32" event="1000"]

Image credit: Punting by Jussarian on Flickr. Licensed under CC-BY-SA